About the taste?
Monday, December 27, 2010
Lunch at Pasta de Waraku
As a pasta lover, how can't i resist such display like these one?
Tempted, eh?
So as a result, i try this Pasta de Waraku at Grand Indonesia, east mall, level 3A with her for lunch this last Saturday. We had to wait for about 10 minutes first. Soon after we had our table, we read the menu list.
The prices are *as i can remember*:
IDR 38K-68K ++ for most Pastas, Pizzas and Gratins
IDR 10K ++ for Japanese Tea (refillable)
IDR 15K ++ for Ice Lemon Tea
*all prices are subject to 10% government tax and 5% service tax*
Pricey eh? And the portion is too small for that price. This is my order, Penne Gratin Prawn something *i forget the name, sigh*
About the taste?
It's fine, cheesy enough but quite salty to me. *I have a low tolerant on salt* :(
There are extra gratin, pepper and chili powder. Ah, and i didn't find any chili or tomato sauce bottles on table *emangnya PeHa?*
first pic taken from here
Dasa Dharma Pramuka
I'm kinda forgetful person. I use to search this term on google but i always forget it soon after. So instead of googling it every time, i'll write it down here :D
Scout Law (Dasa Dharma Pramuka)
1. Believe in God the Almighty
Takwa kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa.
2. Preserve nature and love each other
Cinta alam dan kasih sayang sesama manusia.
3. Be an affable and knightly patriot
Patriot yang sopan dan ksatria.
4. Be obedient and collegial
Patuh dan suka bermusyawarah.
5. Help others with compliance and resilience
Rela menolong dan tabah.
6. Be diligent, skilled and cheerful
Rajin, terampil, dan gembira.
7. Be provident and simple
Hemat, cermat, dan bersahaja.
8. Exercise discipline, be brave and faithful
Disiplin, berani, dan setia.
9. Be accountable and trustworthy
Bertanggung jawab dan dapat dipercaya.
10. Have purity in mind, word and act
Suci dalam pikiran, perkataan, dan perbuatan.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
My Buddies Wedding
This two months i had attended my best friends wedding. November, 21st at Indri's and December, 4th at Vivi's. Can't believe that you both entering new life, galz. Congrats to you both. Have a happy and blessed married life ^^


And mine? :D

And mine? :D
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Mister International 2010
Since last thursday, i've been disturbed (in good way, of course) by the L-Men Mister International 2010 adv contest on TV. It was held in Jakarta, November 20th 2010 and followed by 40 countries. And the show was aired on November 27th 2010 on Trans7. Just imagine, parade of 40 hot hunks on TV is hard to resist, no? :D
So last night i watched the show and completely amazed with those hunks. Subhanallah *big grin*. Those body figures seemed like been perfectly sculpted. I dont know how hard men build their body since i am gifted with lean bod -Thank God- #diamukmassa. Yet as i ever read once in man magz that that kind of bod wasn't built easily. Rome wasn't built in a day, rite eh? Need alot of work out, discipline, healthy nutrition and balance lifestyle. So, big appreciation to the contestants and men out there who can bring it off.
The fully show itself was entertaining i think. The contestants are hot. The winner is among top of the top hottie (except the KD part *ini tante2 nyanyi gak pake gatel napa?*). Here are the contestants i like:

Name: Elnur Tagiiev
Age: 20
2. Brazil

Name: Caio Lucius Ribeiro
Age: 20
(Ricardo Kaka KW in chicken fur) :D

Name: Jordan Haag
Age: 19
4. Great Britain

Name: Ryan Terry
Age: 22

Name: Luis Alberto Maicas
Age: 20
*pada brondong2 semua >.<*
If i were the judge i will choose those guys i've mentioned as top 5, but unfortunately i weren't :D
The winner is Great Britain, 1st runner-up is Brazil, 2nd runner-up is Spain, 3rd runner-up is Indonesia and 4th runner-up is Greece.
Awkay, add one more country to travel, Azerbaijan >:)
Source: from here and here
*semoga ada siaran ulangnya di tipi, hehehe*
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy 25th November
Your touch heals me
Your hug warms me
Your smile comforts me
You're a special gift
The special gift God gave to me
Love you Mom
Hugs and kisses,
Your daughter
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
A Love Letter For Torres
Tumbenan kali ini saya posting tulisan dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Bukannya saya gak cinta Bahasa Indonesia dan terlalu bule-minded dengan memakai Bahasa Inggris. Indeed, saya cuintaaaa mati sama Indonesia. Kali ini saya mau posting sesuatu, yang takutnya kalau saya tulis dalam bahasa Inggris, akan berubah esensi maknanya karena keterbatasan bahasa saya :D
Ini semua diawali dari obrolan geje dengan seorang kawan lama tadi malam. Dimana yang bersangkutan memberi tahu saya tentang Ummu Sulaim. Beliau adalah seorang wanita bangsawan yang terkenal dengan keimanannya di jaman Rasulullah saw. Tapi postingan kali ini tidak membahas Ummu Sulaim kok. Hanya saja saya terinspirasi dengan perkataan beliau saat beliau mau dilamar saudagar kaya Quraisy. Fyi, pada saat itu Ummu Sulaim ini sudah menjadi mualaf dan si pelamar adalah Abu Talhah yang masih kafir. Rude eh, my word? Ofcourse no, di keterangannya begitu kok, hehehe. *ngeles mode on*
Naaahhhh....berikut ini adalah kata2 saya yang terinspirasi oleh perkataan beliau. Ada yang saya edit sedikit tentu saja, hehehe. Tapi esensinya masih sama aja kok. Dan, karena saya sangat amat ngefans sekali Fernando José Torres Sanz*, maka tentu saja ini ditujukan kepadanya. Love you Torres *smooch* *kumat* :))
Oh iya, sebelumnya saya mau bilang. Bukannya saya mau bawa2 SARA dengan religion issue, tapi ini kan cuma curahan hati saya aja. Sekedar iseng, so random kalau saya bilang. Lagipula kemungkinan dibaca sama Torres pun satu banding semilyar. Emangnya Torres bisa baca tulisan Bahasa Indonesia? :D
Here it is...
Dear Fernando Torres,
saya tahu orang seperti Anda tidak akan ditolak kalau melamar wanita. Akan tetapi kita berbeda keyakinan. Tidak halal bagi saya untuk kawin dengan Anda. Namun jika Anda masuk Islam, maka yang demikian dapat menjadi maharku. Saya tidak meminta selain itu. Perihal baby Nora, saya bersedia menjadi ibu tirinya.
:hammer: :hammer: :hammer:
*Fernando José Torres Sanz, born 20 March 1984, nicknamed El Niño (The Kid in Spanish),is a Spanish footballer who plays for Liverpool and the Spain national team as a striker.

P.S: If any of you, mau berbaik hati mentranslate surat cinta saya buat Torres, saya akan sangat amat berterimakasih :D
Ini semua diawali dari obrolan geje dengan seorang kawan lama tadi malam. Dimana yang bersangkutan memberi tahu saya tentang Ummu Sulaim. Beliau adalah seorang wanita bangsawan yang terkenal dengan keimanannya di jaman Rasulullah saw. Tapi postingan kali ini tidak membahas Ummu Sulaim kok. Hanya saja saya terinspirasi dengan perkataan beliau saat beliau mau dilamar saudagar kaya Quraisy. Fyi, pada saat itu Ummu Sulaim ini sudah menjadi mualaf dan si pelamar adalah Abu Talhah yang masih kafir. Rude eh, my word? Ofcourse no, di keterangannya begitu kok, hehehe. *ngeles mode on*
Naaahhhh....berikut ini adalah kata2 saya yang terinspirasi oleh perkataan beliau. Ada yang saya edit sedikit tentu saja, hehehe. Tapi esensinya masih sama aja kok. Dan, karena saya sangat amat ngefans sekali Fernando José Torres Sanz*, maka tentu saja ini ditujukan kepadanya. Love you Torres *smooch* *kumat* :))
Oh iya, sebelumnya saya mau bilang. Bukannya saya mau bawa2 SARA dengan religion issue, tapi ini kan cuma curahan hati saya aja. Sekedar iseng, so random kalau saya bilang. Lagipula kemungkinan dibaca sama Torres pun satu banding semilyar. Emangnya Torres bisa baca tulisan Bahasa Indonesia? :D
Here it is...
Dear Fernando Torres,
saya tahu orang seperti Anda tidak akan ditolak kalau melamar wanita. Akan tetapi kita berbeda keyakinan. Tidak halal bagi saya untuk kawin dengan Anda. Namun jika Anda masuk Islam, maka yang demikian dapat menjadi maharku. Saya tidak meminta selain itu. Perihal baby Nora, saya bersedia menjadi ibu tirinya.
:hammer: :hammer: :hammer:
*Fernando José Torres Sanz, born 20 March 1984, nicknamed El Niño (The Kid in Spanish),is a Spanish footballer who plays for Liverpool and the Spain national team as a striker.
P.S: If any of you, mau berbaik hati mentranslate surat cinta saya buat Torres, saya akan sangat amat berterimakasih :D
Thursday, November 4, 2010
I Write Like Stephen King
When i randomly blogwalking, i found a site to analyze our writing. It is http://iwl.me/
It checks which famous writer we write like. I don't understand the algorithm of course. It just said that our word choice and writing style are compared with those of the famous writers.
And here is my result.
What is yours?
By the way, who is Stephen King? :hammer:
It checks which famous writer we write like. I don't understand the algorithm of course. It just said that our word choice and writing style are compared with those of the famous writers.
And here is my result.
What is yours?
By the way, who is Stephen King? :hammer:
Sunday, October 24, 2010
In Memoriam of My Lovely Dad
Between all of his children, maybe i'm the one who was more nurtured by him than my bro or sist. Cause since i was born, i was taken care by daddy. He was a sailorman (read this post), and quit that job when my mom was bearing me. Then he became an entrepreneur, and spent most time at home. So i passed most of my babyhood with him :)
My brother used to told me this story. When i was a baby, i whined alot. To calm me down my dad carried me behind his back. Once he painted the house. There were some men passing by and laughed. Maybe, a man painting house while carrying baby on the seemed amusing to them.
There are many sweet memories with him. When i was entering kindergarten, he's the one who accompanied me. He taught me to ride bike and motorbike. As i remember, i'm a slow learner in bike-ride-learning. I even bump into my neighbor's fence :D
Other memory is when i was in first grade of junior highschool. It was afternoon class, and i went to school by bike. My dad often rode motorbike behind me just to keep me accompanied. In weekend, when i went home, he always picked me up and treat me.
One thing i hardly forget is when he accompanied me during my illness. I dont mean to lowering my mom or my siblings. They all supported me together. Thank God for giving me a very precious family :)
Still many more memories that kept safely in my mind. I hope that those memories wont fade away ^_^
Came from God, I call him Dad!
After Flood
Few days ago, my room was flooded. It caused serious damage to some properties of mine. My books which i put on the floor are the first victim. They're all wet T_T
Then my digital camera too. I put it on those drowned books, so it got drowned also *sad*
Then my clothes which i put in a basket on the floor too =_='
Anddd...my mobile phone and laptop chargers. I've dried both. My mobile phone charger still could function well. But my laptop charger can't *crying*
Here's the pic of mud remained after the flood.

This morning i went to Jakarta to buy a new one. I went to Ratu Plasa at Senayan first. But i found nothing there. The adaptor stock is empty and they promise me it would be available in 8 weeks. WHAT?! 8 weeks without my lovely The Reds (my lappie's name), bored to death, no?
Then i went to Ambassador mall. There was DELL service center but now it's moving on to Mangga Dua mall. Shoot!
So, i ask him to buy me a charger at Mangdu, since he's there. Through confusing messages and calls, he bought me nothing, hahaha. Thank God, cause after then i found a store which sell original adaptor. Luckily, it's the same type with mine. Yaaayyyy *cheering*
Finally, i bought it, and now i can charge The Reds with this new adaptor and make this post. *dancing*
Then my digital camera too. I put it on those drowned books, so it got drowned also *sad*
Then my clothes which i put in a basket on the floor too =_='
Anddd...my mobile phone and laptop chargers. I've dried both. My mobile phone charger still could function well. But my laptop charger can't *crying*
Here's the pic of mud remained after the flood.
This morning i went to Jakarta to buy a new one. I went to Ratu Plasa at Senayan first. But i found nothing there. The adaptor stock is empty and they promise me it would be available in 8 weeks. WHAT?! 8 weeks without my lovely The Reds (my lappie's name), bored to death, no?
Then i went to Ambassador mall. There was DELL service center but now it's moving on to Mangga Dua mall. Shoot!
So, i ask him to buy me a charger at Mangdu, since he's there. Through confusing messages and calls, he bought me nothing, hahaha. Thank God, cause after then i found a store which sell original adaptor. Luckily, it's the same type with mine. Yaaayyyy *cheering*
Finally, i bought it, and now i can charge The Reds with this new adaptor and make this post. *dancing*
Monday, October 18, 2010
Amo La Pasta
One of my post-Ied resolution is to cook Italian dish. I fancy Italian food, especially pasta. Since this is not food blog, i don't post the recipe. Just want to share a little bout those i've made.
There are many type of pasta.
Long Pasta

Short Pasta

Short Pasta

Minute Pasta (Pastina, used for soups)

Pasta all'uovo (egg pasta)

Fresh Pasta

Pasta for Pasta al forno (baked pasta) dishes

There are many sauce also to accompany pasta dishes. Such as bolognese sauce, pesto, carbonara, puttanesca, aglio olio, etc.
I've cooked two kind of sauce, which are bolognese and carbonara. While bolognese is tomato based sauce, carbonara is made of egg yolk and cream. Here are my two cooking.
Spaghetti Bolognese

Fettuccini Carbonara

Buon appetito! ^_^
There are many type of pasta.
Long Pasta
Short Pasta
Short Pasta
Minute Pasta (Pastina, used for soups)
Pasta all'uovo (egg pasta)
Fresh Pasta
Pasta for Pasta al forno (baked pasta) dishes
There are many sauce also to accompany pasta dishes. Such as bolognese sauce, pesto, carbonara, puttanesca, aglio olio, etc.
I've cooked two kind of sauce, which are bolognese and carbonara. While bolognese is tomato based sauce, carbonara is made of egg yolk and cream. Here are my two cooking.
Spaghetti Bolognese
Fettuccini Carbonara
Buon appetito! ^_^
Monday, October 4, 2010
Lebaran 2010
Things happen and people change. Some are predictable and the rest aren't. Happiness comes, and sadness as well. But whatever the color of the day, whether grey, black, blue or yellow...YOU are the one who can pick it for coloring your day :)
Like these photos below, i choose bright color for my days ^___^
Cookies in jar

Morning breeze

Sometimes happiness is just as simple as curving your own lips into a smile.
Like these photos below, i choose bright color for my days ^___^
Cookies in jar
Morning breeze
Sometimes happiness is just as simple as curving your own lips into a smile.
photo album
Friday, August 27, 2010
Not A Fairytale
Sleeping beauty sleeps peacefully in her place. Then prince charming comes. He wakes the princess up with his kiss.
Sleeping beauty opens her eyes. She thinks that the man stands beside her is her prince charming. Day by day, she passes her days with the prince charming. She seems happy at first. But later, she realizes that this prince charming is so corrupted. He even corrupts sleeping beauty, in a such way that the princess doesn't realized.
Then one day, prince charming shows his real "charm". He ruins her world. She is so disappointed. With all regrets and disappointment, she prefers to sleep again. Waiting for the real prince charming to come.
Sara Bareilles - Fairytale
Sleeping beauty opens her eyes. She thinks that the man stands beside her is her prince charming. Day by day, she passes her days with the prince charming. She seems happy at first. But later, she realizes that this prince charming is so corrupted. He even corrupts sleeping beauty, in a such way that the princess doesn't realized.
Then one day, prince charming shows his real "charm". He ruins her world. She is so disappointed. With all regrets and disappointment, she prefers to sleep again. Waiting for the real prince charming to come.
Sara Bareilles - Fairytale
Pageantry Parrot
God must have been in good mood the day He created these creatures. Heavenly painted i think. I aint good enough at capturing the birds. This is so far, two images i like most from my birds-capturing-pics.
Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao)

Blue-and-yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna)
Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao)

Blue-and-yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna)

photo album
Friday, August 20, 2010
Have You Ever Meet The Angel?
First, i want to ask. Do you believe in angel existence? If yes, how do you imagine them?
Fair white, gorgeous in shape, has pair of wings and a hallo above the head?
Well, that commonly angel shape that been dictated on book or movies.
But, have you ever concern? Angel may come in any form.
Maybe they come in a shape of old couple selling roasted corns. They do nothing specific for you. You just coincidentally saw them and feel the warmth. They are devoted and helpful to each other. And you are touched by their spirit to stand on their own feet and do not burden anyone at their old age.
In another time, you could see the angel's existence from the love of caring mom. She didn't mind to pick you up home in a hot midday. And she cooked you her best meal, one of your favorite dishes. She doesn't even complain when her children make fun about her motorbike-riding style, which is very slow. That because she is careful of herself and someone who rides with her.
Or once, it comes in a big hug of your good friend. When your heart is broken, she lends you her shoulder to cry on. Not only cheers you up, but she also holds your arms to help you stand up. Though she has her own problem, she doesn't hesitate to let you trash on her with your story just to makes you feel better.
Next time, the angel shows up in a smile of little toddler. She lightened up your day with sincere smile, a very sincere one. Whereas your mood is bad because of one thing and another. And somehow you feel so empty until you want to run away. And your tears are nearly pouring down. Then the little angel come just with one smile. It feels like she was telling you something. "Hey, an angel is just smiling at you, be happy".
So people, if you meet evil in many shape, don't worry. Angel come out in many more shape. You just have to realize when they're next to you ^^
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Cooking Time
Welcome Ramadhan *oh-so-late* :D
It's 9th days of Ramadhan, and Thank God i'm still fasting...full *grin*
One thing i'd like to write now. It is my cooking, yaaayy...umm not precisely my own cooking, but our cooking (me, Elly and Ester).

We've bought a magic jar (rice cooker+warmer all in one) before Ramadhan. And start to cook after then, but not often, just occasionally. So far i just cooked 3 times, wkwkwkw (instant food aren't counted).
1st cooking
Fried chicken(by Elly) and veggies soup(by me and Ester)

2nd cooking
no pic, but i cooked Chickpea with Baby Corn saute
3rd cooking
Shrimp Potatoes with Hot Sauce and Kangkung saute(by me and Ester)

All are simple. We are newbie, no? ehehehe
But i'm glad to do this, and learn to make better cooking :D
P.S: am wondering to make a good photographs of those cooking...
It's 9th days of Ramadhan, and Thank God i'm still fasting...full *grin*
One thing i'd like to write now. It is my cooking, yaaayy...umm not precisely my own cooking, but our cooking (me, Elly and Ester).

We've bought a magic jar (rice cooker+warmer all in one) before Ramadhan. And start to cook after then, but not often, just occasionally. So far i just cooked 3 times, wkwkwkw (instant food aren't counted).
1st cooking
Fried chicken(by Elly) and veggies soup(by me and Ester)

2nd cooking
no pic, but i cooked Chickpea with Baby Corn saute
3rd cooking
Shrimp Potatoes with Hot Sauce and Kangkung saute(by me and Ester)
All are simple. We are newbie, no? ehehehe
But i'm glad to do this, and learn to make better cooking :D
P.S: am wondering to make a good photographs of those cooking...
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Random Thought
This two months i feel so uncreative. No interesting posting and my mood is also gloomy gray. At office, i do nothing productive, a lot of daydreaming everyday. Kinda lost my passion, even in preparing or planning something fun. Where is me? *sigh*.
Okay, though this blog doesn't hit numerous reader, but it doesn't matter. I still like to write bout everything happens around me. My traveling journey, films or musics that i love to share with, my personal thought, etc. So random personal page, eh?
Everything i left back there, shouldn't influence me now, rite?
Hope soon i can stand still on my feet again and get my passion back. Not only mood, but yes, passion indeed.
You cannot move forward if you keep watching your back. #myrandomthought

P.S: Do you know what snowdrop means?
Okay, though this blog doesn't hit numerous reader, but it doesn't matter. I still like to write bout everything happens around me. My traveling journey, films or musics that i love to share with, my personal thought, etc. So random personal page, eh?
Everything i left back there, shouldn't influence me now, rite?
Hope soon i can stand still on my feet again and get my passion back. Not only mood, but yes, passion indeed.
You cannot move forward if you keep watching your back. #myrandomthought
P.S: Do you know what snowdrop means?
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Nasi Tumpeng

Suddenly, today i want to eat Nasi Tumpeng (Tumpeng Rice).
Tumpeng is a cone-shaped rice dish like mountain with its side dishes (vegetables and meat). Traditionally featured in the slamatan ceremony, the cone shape of rice is made by using cone-shaped weaved bamboo container. The rice itself could be plain steam rice, uduk rice (cooked with coconut milk), or yellow rice (uduk rice colored with kunyit (turmeric)). The cone shaped rice erected on tampah (rounded woven bamboo container) covered with banana leaf, and surrounded by assorted of Indonesian dishes.
The problem is, i dont know how to cook it and prepare it. Well yeah, anyway there is no special occasion to be celebrated (Nasi Tumpeng is used to celebrate special or important event). I just want it!!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Sad Face
Monday, June 7, 2010
Insomnia Paranoia
still want to count sheep, eh?
P.S: baru tau kalo bunyi "mbeeek"nya kambing itu di inggrisin jadi "baaa"
Friday, May 28, 2010
Shrek Forever After and Prince of Persia, The Sands of Time
Two days ago i watched two movie respectively, Shrek Forever After and Prince of Persia,The Sand of Time.
Shrek Forever After

Shrek Forever After is another sequel after Shrek 1,2 and 3. Still tells about the same ogre but different problem. The story begins with the tale of Princess Fiona. A princess who is cursed and locked up in the tower guarded by dragon. The King and Queen of Far Far Away, which are Fiona's parents, ask someone for help. And that someone is Rumpelstiltskin. He wants to make deal with The King, but in a wicked-tricky way. He wants the kingdom.
Just a moment before The King signs the agreement, there come an information that Princess Fiona has already been saved. So the deal isn't made, and Rumpelstiltskin get mad and have a grudge to Shrek who saves Fiona.
Then the plot goes to Shrek's life. He already has 3 babies with Fiona. He seems happy at first, but lately the routinity makes him bored. He misses his previous life, free, feared by human, and careless. One day, he get very angry at his kid's birthday party. He argues Fiona then meet Rumpelstiltskin. Rumpelstiltskin knows that he has a chance to avenging his grudge, and offering Shrek a vicious deal.
Will Shrek make deal with Rumpelstiltskin? And how is the rest of the story? Just watch it yourself. I'm spoilering too much :D
Overall, i think this movie is darker and more mature than the predecessors. I laugh less, too. Doesn't mean this movie ain't funny. Still, it has its appeal too, yet i love Shrek 1 more ^_^
Prince of Persia, The Sands of Time

Prince of Persia is a videogame-based movie. It made by the team who brought the Pirates of Carribean trilogy to cinema. My first question about this movie is, why Jake Gyllenhaal? Well, i appreciate his effort to build his body for this film, but isn't there any other Persian actor or at least an actor with Persian's face?
Ok, so here is little plot spoiler. Prince Dastan (Jake Gyllenhaal) is an orphan who was adopted by King Sharaman, The King of Persia. Prince Dastan helps his brother, Prince Tus and Prince Garvis to conquer Alamut, an empire that been suspected to ally against Persia. Prince Dastan acquired a mysterious dagger during the siege. An dagger contains Sand of Time that kept by Princess Tamina (Gemma Arterton).
During the celebration of the conquer, Dastan wrongfully accused of poisoning King Sharaman. Then he is forced into exile, accompanied with Tamina. These both two seems can't get along at first. Along with the journey to save the dagger they can get along well.
This movie is kinda interesting though i can't capture the Persian exotism here. My favorite scene is rooftop running, jumping, climbing thing.. :D
Sorry to say but until the end i still think that Prince Dastan should not be played by Gyllenhaal. And i didnt see strong chemistry between him and Arterton in the movie, compared with Will-Elizabeth Turner in Pirates of Carribean.
Just my opinion after all ^_^
Shrek Forever After
Shrek Forever After is another sequel after Shrek 1,2 and 3. Still tells about the same ogre but different problem. The story begins with the tale of Princess Fiona. A princess who is cursed and locked up in the tower guarded by dragon. The King and Queen of Far Far Away, which are Fiona's parents, ask someone for help. And that someone is Rumpelstiltskin. He wants to make deal with The King, but in a wicked-tricky way. He wants the kingdom.
Just a moment before The King signs the agreement, there come an information that Princess Fiona has already been saved. So the deal isn't made, and Rumpelstiltskin get mad and have a grudge to Shrek who saves Fiona.
Then the plot goes to Shrek's life. He already has 3 babies with Fiona. He seems happy at first, but lately the routinity makes him bored. He misses his previous life, free, feared by human, and careless. One day, he get very angry at his kid's birthday party. He argues Fiona then meet Rumpelstiltskin. Rumpelstiltskin knows that he has a chance to avenging his grudge, and offering Shrek a vicious deal.
Will Shrek make deal with Rumpelstiltskin? And how is the rest of the story? Just watch it yourself. I'm spoilering too much :D
Overall, i think this movie is darker and more mature than the predecessors. I laugh less, too. Doesn't mean this movie ain't funny. Still, it has its appeal too, yet i love Shrek 1 more ^_^
Prince of Persia, The Sands of Time
Prince of Persia is a videogame-based movie. It made by the team who brought the Pirates of Carribean trilogy to cinema. My first question about this movie is, why Jake Gyllenhaal? Well, i appreciate his effort to build his body for this film, but isn't there any other Persian actor or at least an actor with Persian's face?
Ok, so here is little plot spoiler. Prince Dastan (Jake Gyllenhaal) is an orphan who was adopted by King Sharaman, The King of Persia. Prince Dastan helps his brother, Prince Tus and Prince Garvis to conquer Alamut, an empire that been suspected to ally against Persia. Prince Dastan acquired a mysterious dagger during the siege. An dagger contains Sand of Time that kept by Princess Tamina (Gemma Arterton).
During the celebration of the conquer, Dastan wrongfully accused of poisoning King Sharaman. Then he is forced into exile, accompanied with Tamina. These both two seems can't get along at first. Along with the journey to save the dagger they can get along well.
This movie is kinda interesting though i can't capture the Persian exotism here. My favorite scene is rooftop running, jumping, climbing thing.. :D
Sorry to say but until the end i still think that Prince Dastan should not be played by Gyllenhaal. And i didnt see strong chemistry between him and Arterton in the movie, compared with Will-Elizabeth Turner in Pirates of Carribean.
Just my opinion after all ^_^
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Obliviate (oh-BLI-vee-ate) is one of spell at Harry Potter book. It used to modify or erase portions of someone's memory. I remember when Gilderoy Lockhart used this spell to Ron and Harry, but it backfired on to himself instead.
I guess i've been Obliviate-spelled. I kind of lost some memories, and dunno who cast me this spell. I admit that I have a problem with reminding something, but it get worse lately. Aaaarrrrggghhhhh!!! >.<
These are some list of things i forget (as i remembered) today :
1. My CDMA phone
I thought i lost it since a year ago, but yesterday nite i found it in my laptop case box. How come the phone get into the box? I really dont know (or even remember) about it.
2. My yellow mug
I just realized at noon that it wasn't placed on my desk as it used to be. Then i try to remember where the mug was. Then, taddaaaa...i found it in tea room. Omg, i put it there yesterday, and i forgot to bring it back.
3. My bank account number
I went to the ATM twice, because i forget my bank account number. Haven't wrote it yet on any note, too ~_~"
I'm not proud of it. Being a forgetful person is so tiring, and i try to find a way to overcome it. Hope i could diminish it T_T
Bon courage!!!

These are some list of things i forget (as i remembered) today :
1. My CDMA phone
I thought i lost it since a year ago, but yesterday nite i found it in my laptop case box. How come the phone get into the box? I really dont know (or even remember) about it.
2. My yellow mug
I just realized at noon that it wasn't placed on my desk as it used to be. Then i try to remember where the mug was. Then, taddaaaa...i found it in tea room. Omg, i put it there yesterday, and i forgot to bring it back.
3. My bank account number
I went to the ATM twice, because i forget my bank account number. Haven't wrote it yet on any note, too ~_~"
I'm not proud of it. Being a forgetful person is so tiring, and i try to find a way to overcome it. Hope i could diminish it T_T
Bon courage!!!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Sunset and Rain
Will You Be My Shoulder When I'm Grey And Older?
These nostalgic songs, remind me of the hustle bustle moment during finishing my bachelor thesis. I myself always love James Blunt's songs, though his voice ain't smooth and the songs are mostly dark and gloomy.
Beautiful dawn - lights up the shore for me.
There is nothing else in the world,
I'd rather wake up and see (with you).
Beautiful dawn - I'm just chasing time again.
Thought I would die a lonely man, in endless night.
But now I'm high; running wild among all the stars above.
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me.
Beautiful dawn - melt with the stars again.
Do you remember the day when my journey began?
Will you remember the end (of time)?
Beautiful dawn - You're just blowing my mind again.
Thought I was born to endless night, until you shine.
High; running wild among all the stars above.
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me.
Will you be my shoulder when I'm grey and older?
Promise me tomorrow starts with you,
Getting high; running wild among all the stars above.
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me
Beautiful dawn - lights up the shore for me.
There is nothing else in the world,
I'd rather wake up and see (with you).
Beautiful dawn - I'm just chasing time again.
Thought I would die a lonely man, in endless night.
But now I'm high; running wild among all the stars above.
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me.
Beautiful dawn - melt with the stars again.
Do you remember the day when my journey began?
Will you remember the end (of time)?
Beautiful dawn - You're just blowing my mind again.
Thought I was born to endless night, until you shine.
High; running wild among all the stars above.
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me.
Will you be my shoulder when I'm grey and older?
Promise me tomorrow starts with you,
Getting high; running wild among all the stars above.
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me
"Wise Men"
She said to me, "Go steady on me.
Won't you tell me what the Wise Men said?
When they came down from Heaven,
Smoked nine 'til seven,
All the shit that they could find,
But they couldn't escape from you,
Couldn't be free of you,
And now they know there's no way out,
And they're really sorry now for what they've done,
They were three Wise Men just trying to have some fun."
Look who's alone now,
It's not me. It's not me.
Those three Wise Men,
They've got a semi by the sea.
Got to ask yourself the question,
Where are you now?
Really sorry now,
They weren't to know.
They got caught up in your talent show,
With you pernickety little bastards in your fancy dress,
Who just judge each other and try to impress,
But they couldn't escape from you,
Couldn't be free of you,
And now they know there's no way out,
And they're really sorry now for what they've done,
They were three Wise Men just trying to have some fun.
Look who's alone now,
It's not me. It's not me.
Those three Wise Men,
They've got a semi by the sea.
Got to ask yourself the question,
Where are you now?
She said to me, "Go steady on me.
Won't you tell me what the Wise Men said?
When they came down from Heaven,
Smoked nine 'til seven,
All the shit that they could find,
But they couldn't escape from you,
Couldn't be free of you,
And now they know there's no way out,
And they're really sorry now for what they've done,
They were three Wise Men just trying to have some fun."
Look who's alone now,
It's not me. It's not me.
Those three Wise Men,
They've got a semi by the sea.
Got to ask yourself the question,
Where are you now?
Really sorry now,
They weren't to know.
They got caught up in your talent show,
With you pernickety little bastards in your fancy dress,
Who just judge each other and try to impress,
But they couldn't escape from you,
Couldn't be free of you,
And now they know there's no way out,
And they're really sorry now for what they've done,
They were three Wise Men just trying to have some fun.
Look who's alone now,
It's not me. It's not me.
Those three Wise Men,
They've got a semi by the sea.
Got to ask yourself the question,
Where are you now?
P.S: love the bold one ^_^
Friday, May 7, 2010
Does Love Hurt?
Suddenly....just suddenly, because i have nothing to do at work, then found these pics randomly.

Of all pains, the greatest pain,
Is to love, and to love in vain.
~George Granville~
Why is it that we don't always recognize the moment love begins, but we always recognize the moment it ends?
You can close ur eyes to things u don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to things you don't want to feel.

I don't miss you and you alone, but I miss you and me together.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
P.S: about the title, is there anyone who want to answer? ^_^
Of all pains, the greatest pain,
Is to love, and to love in vain.
~George Granville~
Why is it that we don't always recognize the moment love begins, but we always recognize the moment it ends?
You can close ur eyes to things u don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to things you don't want to feel.
I don't miss you and you alone, but I miss you and me together.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
P.S: about the title, is there anyone who want to answer? ^_^
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