
Monday, December 27, 2010

Dasa Dharma Pramuka

I'm kinda forgetful person. I use to search this term on google but i always forget it soon after. So instead of googling it every time, i'll write it down here :D

Scout Law (Dasa Dharma Pramuka)

1. Believe in God the Almighty
Takwa kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa.
2. Preserve nature and love each other
Cinta alam dan kasih sayang sesama manusia.
3. Be an affable and knightly patriot
Patriot yang sopan dan ksatria.
4. Be obedient and collegial
Patuh dan suka bermusyawarah.
5. Help others with compliance and resilience
Rela menolong dan tabah.
6. Be diligent, skilled and cheerful
Rajin, terampil, dan gembira.
7. Be provident and simple
Hemat, cermat, dan bersahaja.
8. Exercise discipline, be brave and faithful
Disiplin, berani, dan setia.
9. Be accountable and trustworthy
Bertanggung jawab dan dapat dipercaya.
10. Have purity in mind, word and act
Suci dalam pikiran, perkataan, dan perbuatan.

1 comment:

dindun said...

ta ci pa pa re ra he di berta su...
aku hapal satu suku kata di depan tiap kalimatnya :))
*trik dari guru pramuka jaman SD