It was the first thing i asked to a man who sat beside my seat in a bus. A question that unfolded a brief conversation in bus. Brief yet worthwhile.
After answered my question, the man shook my hand, while saying his name (i didn't hear it unfortunately T_T). I did shake his hand and said my name. Then the conversation flew.
He asked me sort of questions about the place that i lived and my job.
Then he told me things bout himself. He said to me that he's responsible to handle visit in prison.
Indeed, he's a prison guard, yet what he handled is sort of VIP visit (like ministers or chief of department of something)
Later he told me about his life experience. He was a high school graduate. And he could reach his position right now with hard work and determination (hmm..sounds familiar in my application letter :D). And he ever worked as a sailor (kinda reminds me of my father. Yea..he was,too).
"Father was a sailor man
Father was a sailor man
He was strong to the finich
Cause he ate his spinach
Father was a sailor man"
-- rearrangement from Popeye The Sailor Man :D
Back to my conversation with the man i met in bus. He taught me two things. Two important things that should be remind. Particularly in work, and could be implemented in daily life as well. They are "courtesy" and "honesty".
As we live with others, one should has a courtesy or politeness or good manner. And honesty helps us to form bonds of trust in human relationships.
Here i found two good quotes about courtesy and honesty.
“He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love” - Anon.
“Honesty: The best of all the lost arts” - Mark Twain.
"Pardon me Miss, but i have to get out of the bus, cause it is already arrived at my destination. Good day to you and good luck",
said Mr.Sorry-i-don't-know-ur-name while waving me good bye.
* anyone know what "finich" is?