When i randomly blogwalking, i found a site to analyze our writing. It is http://iwl.me/
It checks which famous writer we write like. I don't understand the algorithm of course. It just said that our word choice and writing style are compared with those of the famous writers.
And here is my result.
What is yours?
By the way, who is Stephen King? :hammer:
ini berdasar apa ya??
masukin tulisan yang berbeda hasilnya beda2, dan.... aku g ada yg kenal... =))
"Cory Doctorow" -> who is it?? ^^
Wiki says that Cory Doctorow is a Canadian blogger, journalist, and science fiction author who serves as co-editor of the blog Boing Boing.
ehehehehe....gak tau ya chok, katanya sih berdasar pilihan kata dan gaya menulis :)
Aku Dan Brown hihi
wow...bisa bikin novel saingannya The Davinci Code dunk... :D
serius kamu nggak tau stephen king? *ndomblong*
keren banget llooohh bukunya..
seriusan ga pernah baca mbak sutiiii....dgr doank sih namanya pernah :D
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