
Monday, December 7, 2009

Rizka Ducroisement

Yesterday was my French lesson again. Even it took my lazy sunday morning, i still feel very excited of it. Each week i could learn something new. This sunday i know how the French got their family name.

1. From their ancestor's profession, i.e: Laura Boulanger, means Laura the baker.
2. From their geographical's origin, i.e: Marie Marseille, means Marie from Marseille,
or from their specific location, i.e: Henry Dupont, means Henry lives near the bridge.
3. From their individual descriptive, i.e: Emanuelle Petit, means Emanuelle the little, or Laurent Blanc, means Laurent the white.
4. From their parents' name, i.e: Charles de Gaulle, means Charles son of Gaulle.

And then i have an idea to rename my own name. And what i get is....taddaaaaaaa!!!

~~ Rizka Ducroisement ~~

Means Rizka lives near the road juction, kinda funny :D

I get one for Eriek too, it is Eric Des Chemins DeFer (Eriek lives near the railway).
And for Dina, well it's Dina Léglise (Dina lives near the curch).
Elly would be Ellie Dugare (Elly lives near the station) =)))

*as requested by Elly,
Ellie De Kusnadi (that simple) or Ellie Dubambou (sounds African, eh? :D)
as Dino requested again, here it is.... Dina Dupâturage
Safitri : Safitri de la Mare ^_^

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Rebellion Against Darmaji

In the middle of hustle bustle at office, I and my friends went to karaoke yesterday. Just for the purpose of refreshing and have some fun. It was unplanned actually, but yeah, spontaneous action won't harm, eh? :D

So, the horizoners a.k.a the serongers (its previous name was the EER) which consist of her, him and me plus one co-star called buntal sang at karaoke. We used to make a record everytime we hit the karaoke. And this record was named "The Rebellion Against Darmaji".

Who is Darmaji anyway? And why on earth we conspire against him?

For detail story behind "Darmaji", just ask Elly :D
In short, we used to call our manager in varies ways. And one of them is Darmaji, lol. We kind of skipped out from job rutinity and pressure from Darmaji (sorry boss ^_^).

Though we sang lousyly, but it was so much fun. Now i'm listening to the record.
And i can't help my self from laughing my ass off. =)))

* this is my chat with elly

z_****a: ly ly
z_****a: yg awalnya si darmaji ituh gmn seh
z_****a: hahaha
a*****_***********85: awalnya darmaji?
a*****_***********85: album kita?
z_****a: kok bsa namanya si jack jd darmaji
a*****_***********85: si anak2 lendir itu bilang kebagusan ah dikasih nama berbau bule,, jack sparrow pula... , mereka ga ikhlas..
a*****_***********85: trus2 tiba2 b**m nyeletuk, darmaji ae.... gara2 kalu ga salah liat koran2 anonoh... pemerkosaan oleh wong deso namana darmaji...
z_****a: hooo
z_****a: dasar b**m
z_****a: berita pemerkosaan lagih
z_****a: wkwkwkwkw
a*****_***********85 is typing...
a*****_***********85: bisalah khayalan anak itu emang tingkat tinggi
z_****a: hmm hmm
z_****a: baiklah
z_****a: skrinsyutnya ini mo tak tampilin di postingan