Well yeah, instead of some work to do, i have a C language training class. But it's time to laid back again (for a moment), hehe.
As writen above, this posting is about underwear. Yeah...underwear, the undies. But don't ask bout the oracle, hehe. Last Tuesday, i went shopping with my pal to the department store, hunting some underwear. I'm very grateful to be a girl..especially when I kick around girl's stuff like girl's underwear. It's widely varied, from types to color.
Based on wikipedia, underwear (or also called undergarment) are clothes worn under other clothes, often next to the skin. They keep outer garments from being soiled by perspiration, shape the body and provide support for parts of it. Sometimes it provide additional warmth, some are intended for erotic effect, and special types of undergarments have religious significance (religious significance huh?..i'm wondering)
Undergarments commonly worn by women today include brassieres and panties (also known as knickers), while men wear briefs, boxer shorts, or boxer briefs. Items worn by both sexes include T-shirts, sleeveless shirts (also called singlets), bikini underwear, thongs and G-strings (Thongs and G-strings for male? Well, wiki says it). In additional, women's underwear are collectively known as lingerie.
Panties are divided into various types based on such criteria as amount of rear coverage, width at the sides, and height at which they are worn. There are briefs, hipster, bikinis, tangas/string bikini, thongs. Maybe some of you still donot understand what the difference between those types.
Briefs rise to the waist or just below the navel and have full coverage in the rear. Hipsters are similar to briefs, but are worn lower with the waistband around the hips. Bikinis are also worn at the hips, but the fabric at the sides is narrower. Tangas/String bikinis have full rear coverage, but the waistband is reduced to a narrow strip at the sides.
Thongs have a waistband similar to tangas, but the rear coverage is not as full. The G-string is a thong with virtually no rear coverage, the narrow strip in the back extending from the crotch all the way to the waistband.
Pffhhh....why dont people make it all simple, huh? ^^
Wikipedia shows some ilustration of these underwear types, but i wont put it here for the reason of appropriateness. I also wont put any single pic of undies i've bought ^^
Anyway, there is a "going commando" term. It is not a military term, it means not wearing underwear under one's outer clothing. Why do people choose not to wear any underwear? Maybe for the reason of comfort. Or another reason, it's more arousing maybe.. ^^
Well, at last, whatever it is, thongs or bikinis, wear undies or not wear it..it's all up to you ^^